Wednesday, November 20, 2013


there was once a kid who woke up and found out the the ground was covered in cotton candy. He attempted to eat it all but then soon found out that, that was super nasty so he contracted syphilis a died the next year...the end.

Tuesday, November 19, 2013

WA41: Seems Legit

O: Dinosours?

S: dinosaurs.

O: you want Dinosaurs?

S: yes, we  clone dinosaurs from the DNA found in pieces of amber.

O: an this will help us...?

S: stop the Zombies of course!

O: but what If the zombies bite the dinosaurs?

S: then the dinosaurs become zombies...duh

O: zombie dinosaurs...that sounds a lot worse than zombies

S: no because the zombie dinosaurs will only eat other dinosaurs.

O:but then we still have the zombies

S: yes but at least we have dinosaurs

O: look Dr.Hammond, I think you need to leave....

S: dangit, no one ever likes my ideas to make dinosaurs

Thursday, November 14, 2013

OAP: A glass half full.

 (scene opens with two soldiers, prone from a vantage point somewhere in an abandon building, the scene starts with the sound of a gunshot.)

John: BOOM!, Head-shot. (there is a short pause, John adjusts his gun, then fires again) And BOOM! There's another one, Heh (John chuckles to himself as he adjusts his gun again.)

Alexander: (shakes his head and takes his eye of the scope to direct toward John.) Jesus, John! Will you give it a rest already?!

John: (Gives a small smirk at Alexanders remark, remains aiming through scope) Ah, Good Ol' Alex, always the Buzzkill aren't ya?

(Alexander, fully facing john, appears as though he is about to explode, but withdraws his words before he speaks and turns back through aiming through his scope)

Alexander: (mutters, almost whispering to himself) better than a sociopathic asshole

John: (fully smiling, seemingly enjoying  the conversation to its fullest) What?! (abruptly asks in a rhetorical, condescending tone) could you repeat that?! All this sound of (suddenly fires his gun again) HEADSHOTS! really seems to be drowning out your negativity!

Alexander (without taking his eye of the scope.) For Christs-sake man! we're dealing with human lives here. The least you can do is show a little (Alexander Fires his gun which does not interfere with his rant) respect for the dead!

John: HA! My Job isn't to have respect, it's to kill who I am told to kill, nothing more, nothing less. (pauses for a half second, his tone turns more slow, and condescending) Besides, you seem to have forgotten to get a headshot  on your previous target, look at him,  just sitting there, with his completely untouched face. Here let me fix that for you (John fires his gun, implying he shot Alexanders previous target) There now the areas cle-

Alexander: (after darting up, lifting john and pinning him against the adjacent wall.) WHAT IN SAM'S HELL WAS THAT ABOUT!! (visibly livid, spitting as he shouts)

John: (seeming unaffected by the sudden turn of events, lightly laughs while speaking) Just doing my Job mate.


John: (without missing a beat) Oh, poor Alex, don't you now, chest shots aren't worth double points?


John: (looks Alexander directly in the eyes, and slowly says while smiling) "The secret to a good life, is to bring a game to everything you do. Even if all your doing is taking out the garbage, you will do that with excellence" (small pause) Karen Jo Fowler.

(Alexander looks lividly into Johns eyes, clenching his jaw, before pushing him off the wall, landing him on the ground)

Alexander: We're soldiers, we aren't supposed to enjoy what we do.

John: (pushing himself back up, still in an untouched attitude) Oh, and where's the fun in that Alex? we should just be depressed because someone else says we should hate our job?

Alexander: NO! (collects himself for a moment after shouting) we should be the ones who say we hate our jobs, we're killing people remem-

(cut off by john)

John: oh yes (still grinning, now fully standing, ecstatically using movements and gestures to emphasize his words) the Ol' (in a sarcastic, overbearing tone) "We should hate our job because we kill people thing" (cuts tone and asks inquisitively) tell me Alex, What's the difference between what we do and, I dunno, say being a Garbage collector,  a cashier, janitor, a-

Alexander: They don't kill people John (visibly stressed as saying this, emphasizing with sharp hand gestures)

John: Ah yes. But all the same society tells them they should hate their (starts counting with his fingers, while pacing) "They take out other peoples trash, they're only their because they have too, they don't get paid much, if they work like them too long they're a failure" (sharply turns to Alexander) And you now what Alex, If you ask them how they feel about their work. they always say the same thing "I hate my job, It's the worst thing in the world, blah, blah, blah" So, you know what,  If me enjoying my job makes me a sociopath, a monster, or just an asshole. at least I can take solace in the fact that I enjoy doing what I do, and that I do it well

(Alexander is about to speak but is cut off by the sound of a rifle in the distance, Johns leg is shot and he falls to the ground with and audible grunt. Alex hides behind a corn next to john)

Alexander: SHIT! (peers toward John) Are you okay.

John: (surprisingly still grinning) Meh, looks like he hit my femoral Artery, I'll probably be bleeding out soon unless you can get your- (another shot cuts him off and hits him in the back and protrudes from his chest)

(John goes into a small coughing fit, some blood flowin from his mouth, looks back toward Alexander, once again grinning)

John: (much softer, but still with some audible stress) See Alex *coughs* I guess you weren't the only one who didn't now that Headshots are double points *coughs twice* (much softer) that or he's a terrible shot.

Alexander: NO! NO! NO! (looks down at his gun) this can't be happening to me, why do I always have to be the one who deals with shit like this?

John: (regaining some vitality)  Oh come-un' Alec *coughs* just because I got a few caps busted in my ass, doesn't give you the right to have a stick up yours. Now here (slides Alexander his pistol) show this guy how this thing should be done.

Alexander: (looking confused, speaks after a moment) John, I don't think this pistol will be very effective at this distance

(John Looks at Alexander for a moment with an inquisitive look on he face, head clocked to the side, before breaking into a fit of hysterical Laughing. Alexander looking awkwardly from side to side, avoiding eye contact with the seemingly deranged man)

Alexander: John. (john continues laughing) John. (Laughing continues) John. (Laughing continues)JOHN!

(John only then stops laughing, seemingly due more towards an irresistible coughing fit than Alexanders plea, coughing continues for about 4 seconds before ceasing, John final relaxes as he pulls himself to a sitting position on the pillar to his side)

John: (still with a hint of laughter in his voice) Come one Alex boy, don't tell me we're so different that we can't even communicate with one another.

Alexander: (serious) I don't know what you're saying john, Is the loss of blood getting to your head?

John: what a silly question Alex, don't you realize that if the answer was yes, I wouldn't even be able to answer you correctly, thus making it impossible to receive a useful answer. (Alexander stares blankly back at john, there is a moment of silence, john sits still, blood still trailing from his mouth, skin paling, while breath gets heavier and sweat becomes visible)

Alexander: I guess that's tr- (another shot blasts through the room hitting the pilliar John is leaning on)

John: (flinches downward) SON OF A-(looks toward Alexander) Come on Alex, This is embarrassing! This Sharpshooting ace can't even hit a sitting target! (there is a short pause as john leans forward and speaks more softly) Now we both now you aren't as dumb as you played when I asked you to get a bloody headshot on me, don't we?

Alexander: (looks away from John, fighting off tears, but remains a solid voice) I can't do that ma-

John: Bullshit Alex! (there is a pause as Alex looks john in his weakening face) now remember boy...double points

(Alexander struggles for a moment, before relaxing his stature, looks at John for a while, picks up Johns Gun and points it at him. There is a 10 second pause before a gunshot is heard. Simultaneously all lights dim off, except for a spot light on john leaning on the pillar, just flinching from the sound of a bullet. After a few seconds he opens his eyes and looks around slightly confused, but still with a somewhat smiling face that he's carried throughout the play, apparently more tired now however.)

(another light appears spotting the Grim Reaper who enters from the side of the stage Alexander was on, preferably Audiences right.)

Death: ( in a relaxed, surprisingly human voice)so you are John correct? John Carter?

John: (smiling while looking at death.) yeah, that'd be me

Death: Great, right on time. thanks for making my life a little easier here.

John: HA! (beat) Pun intended?

Death: (in a rhetorical, slightly eccentric voice) Of course.  gotta keep this Job interesting don't I?

John: heh, yea...I can definitely understand that.

Death: Oh yeah, I'm sure...I mean I say that movie you were in, it was awful

John: (chuckles a little) Really?(!) Even after I'm dead I don't hear an end to all these "John, bloody, Carter" jokes?

Death: (getting closing, and eventually squatting next to John) Hey, what can I say, just like Heath Ledger, Hollywood kinda fucked you over.

John; (turns his head at the dark joke) Ooh, that ones rough... (chuckles for a second)  so, which way am i going? up or down?

Death: well, that's for you to find out (points his skeleton hand in the shape of a gun at John, speaks  softly) boom...headshot

 (death makes a shooting motion with his hand as he says this, all lights cut off instantly.)


Tuesday, November 12, 2013

WS39:The Meanest teacher.

I opened the door and sat down at the table. It was 12:00pm and I won the contest; I got to have a meal with the meanest teacher in the school, my math teacher Mrs.Smith. She was just a little under 5"4', and was an average body figure. Blonde hair,  blue eyes.

"Morning Mrs. Smith" I introduced myself
"please call, me Mary."  she politely asked.
     I pulled up a chair at the round table to sit down. I packed my own lunch,  a gluten free BLT sandwich "I noticed she had a Styrofoam tray and decided to ask her what she was planning on having for lunch
      she finished chewing then responded "My husband James packed me my average lunch, A small salad with some ranch dressing, accompanied by a ham, and Colby jack cheese, white bread sandwich."
     I nodded, and took a bit of my sandwich. after a moment I made another attempt at small talk. "how long have you and Mr. Smith been married?"
     she perked up a little, then veered her head slightly up and to the right trying seemingly trying to recall the correct answer. "well...We got married when I was just about to trn 27, so about fifteen and a half years now."
     "that's cool,m what does he do?" I continued to inquire
"he's a Retail Salesperson, which makes about the same s me, $56,000  a year. together we raise our three kids off that, which  can be pretty fun as you can imagine."
     I laughed it off and finished my meal. we talked a little while more before I my next class was about to start, when I got up to leave the only the I could think was "well it's completely true what they say...Mrs.Smith is the most average teacher in the school, if not all of America."

Monday, November 11, 2013

WS38: the sparkler incident (incomplete)

Alexander: Roommate of Lucas, just had apartment burned down
Lucas: Roommate of Alexander, partially responsible for apartment building burning down. 
Elise: another resident of apartment building
Police Officer: Male, there do to the fire

 Scene: on the sidewalk facing the burnt apartment building
Lucas: (pleading ) Look bro, I already admitted it was my B okay."
Alexander: (annoyed) You left your Lit cigarette next to the box of sparklers.
Lucas: And that was stupid, I get it. (more defensively) but at least I take RESPONSIBILITY for it.
Alexander:(angry, louder tone, bolds are now shouts) People could've DIED Lucas, It's going to take a lot more than noticing the fact that you could've killed someone for anyone to make up for Possibly killing someone!

(lucas is about to say something but just then  a woman shows up)
Elise: (worried

WS37: The Park

 "Why didn't you see the tree, you were looking right at it?!"

Already aggetated, I was in no mood to deal with Brian's  lack of personal responsability

"Hey, you're are Duck,  It's your job to have dropped us off at the right place!"

Derek Busted in "Can we go just one match without you two bitching, Alex you're the breeze, so get get your gear ready and sprint for their Rock"

      I looked down for a second, grunted, and did as he said. As the Rock he was our squad leader, and this game wasn't over quite yet, even If Edward, our tree was already cut. Still I had no Idea how to get past their tree, the man was a fortress, and I only had one life left. If Brian had just dropped the boat off at the right place...I finished that thought and budged it off, we were at the state champion ship, and all I had to do was knock their rock over.

"Ok I'm ready" I announced. took a deep breath, and ran.

Thursday, November 7, 2013

WS36: Six Squared S squared

"I hate Peas"
the man said as he reached the gates of hell
The demon guarding looked at the man
"well then, that shall be your meal for the rest of eternity."
Lucifer thought for a moment "that's the reason I'm here isn't it?."
The Demon stood there confused for a second, before shrugging it off
"enough stalling meat your eternal damnation"
Lucifer looked toward the fiery gates.
"very well, what shall be my punishment?"
"well, that depends on what you're sin was.
"Ah" the man walked toward the gate.
as they opened Satan himself greeted the man
"And who shall you be" asked Satan.
"I am the Great General Alexander, commander of the insidious Dark armies that plagued the entire planet with amour with our weapons of mass destruction, vehicles of mass trave, and technology of mass communication."
satan nodded "and what is your sin?
"I ate Peace"

Wednesday, November 6, 2013

Song Lyrics: A World Without Rhyme


Days are long, The nights are bliss

Sweet hearts cry, Sour minds thrive

And sometimes I feel We live in a world W/O Rhyme

A world W/O Rhyme

yea this World W/O Rhyme....


So I guess it's my turn to welcome myself to the world of the city of Dis
Where I shall remain king, and my you sit there just pissed
off by the fact that I must carry this burden
So I'll try not to think lest my words start blurin' and slurin with the rest.
Bitch let this be my final caress, And try not to fight unless,
you're ready to lose this battle as I pull out my verbal strike
and hit you in the face harder than Babe  Fuckin' Ruth
With the Whole and holy truth.

But enough with this cocky display of arogance
I deserve what I have so I take what I need
and In return I give you the hate of which you feed.
don't you get it? Its survival of the fittest.
and perhaps I get a little too mean, and little too keen
But In my defense, this is the cause for my now lack of sleep
so hurtle your sheep, and strike me down
spit on my crown, throw me in a bloody river to drown
so that I may be fed to the hounds, as they howl aloud, In front of this crowd
as they finally refuses to make any sound, and only then not now
shall I rember why...


Days are long, The nights are bliss

Sweet hearts cry, Sour minds thrive

And sometimes I feel We live in a world W/O Rhyme

A world W/O Rhyme

yea this World W/O Rhyme....


So now I'm writing this note, and I hope you enjoy it
may I be done with standing so pissed
and if I am, where do I finish my list?
still waiting on her kiss.
Death be a fortunate lady, the creator, and eraser of rhymes
so is this what makes me one of a kind.
not busting my ass to make a rhyme in time
to take your mind, and blowit out your ass
into the past, leaving you in a full body cast of peace.
but enough of this bittersweet imagery

In this End I truly am sorry
I try to play ball when the game was hockey
and when the slope became rocky I guess it was my time shine
but my light fell apart in this tunnel
and while I try to live by this rhyme, I feel as though I am losing my mind
so this is it, I finally quit, I hit this ground running, but just ended up stunning
my soul, and this rhyme, like an assassin from behind
I beseech thee, and beg for forgivenss
and please stop it form being true, that


Days are long, The nights are bliss

Sweet hearts cry, Sour minds thrive

And sometimes I feel We live in a world W/O Rhyme

A world W/O Rhyme

yea this World W/O Rhyme....

And I guess it my fault

That I filled all the wounds with salt

this world grows dark

and so close the gates of the world of the city of dis

please give the Devil my kiss

and don't hate me for this, I was not built for a world without rhyme...

Final Verse 

So when I said that this was it and that I finally quit
I meant it at heart, so please encombus me death
as I gorge on these pills, that have broken my will
no longer am I king of this hill, that I so ignorantly filled
and hated the rock on that which I stood
and hated the people who thought that they could

The message is out, and now I hear the sirens, I'm ready to go
as the world turns slow, and their kindness makes an attempt to glow
but now it's in vain, and that this is truly insane
so grab your whips and your canes, and grab onto my pain
put me to shame, and end me of day. the world turns dark, and I sit here once pissed
as I feel deaths gentle kiss, I make my last final wish
that from here on after, at the end of the chapter
for the world to be rid of despair, and people live without care
and no one is harmed, not even a hair, so that I may sit back and just stare
and take solace in the fact that no longer the truth that


Days are long, The nights are bliss

Sweet hearts cry, Sour minds thrive

And sometimes I feel We live in a world W/O Rhyme

A world W/O Rhyme

yea this World W/O Rhyme....

WS35: The Creatures Shadow

I shall follow you through the Light of day

I will reflect your very Image

we live our lives on different planes

But min devoid of features

I will become strongest in a sun slight ray

And in darkness I'm Roughage

And as I follow I wonder what is sane

When you share the company of such strange creatures

Tuesday, November 5, 2013

WS34: The spread of Choas

Across The Sea shall come we

To limit the world to our  plaster

We are Death; devouror of worlds

And Darkness shall be our caster

WS33: Cinderella man - Eminem (fixed)

Cinderella's Sand,
Cinderella's Sand,
Cinderella's Sand
Cinderella's Sand
Cinderella's Sand,
Cinderella's Sand, (hey, hey)

If I had a time machine
I'd reset
Cinderella's Sand,
Cinderella's Sand,
Cinderella's Sand,
Cinderella's Sand,
Music is my time machine, sand still falls
Cinderella's Sand,
Cinderella's Sand,
Cinderella's Sand
Cinderella's Sand,

Fuck this lightnin'
I struck Her
Screamed "Shut up!" and plundered,
 flipped the world upside down and made it rain upward

Cinderella's Sand, Cinderella's Sand, Cinderella's Sand, Cinderella's Sand.

Rewound the future to the present, paused it and try to slow,
Fuck the past motherfucker Im lost  now

Cinderella's man, Cinderella's man, Cinderella's man, Cinderella's man.