Monday, November 11, 2013

WS37: The Park

 "Why didn't you see the tree, you were looking right at it?!"

Already aggetated, I was in no mood to deal with Brian's  lack of personal responsability

"Hey, you're are Duck,  It's your job to have dropped us off at the right place!"

Derek Busted in "Can we go just one match without you two bitching, Alex you're the breeze, so get get your gear ready and sprint for their Rock"

      I looked down for a second, grunted, and did as he said. As the Rock he was our squad leader, and this game wasn't over quite yet, even If Edward, our tree was already cut. Still I had no Idea how to get past their tree, the man was a fortress, and I only had one life left. If Brian had just dropped the boat off at the right place...I finished that thought and budged it off, we were at the state champion ship, and all I had to do was knock their rock over.

"Ok I'm ready" I announced. took a deep breath, and ran.

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