Tuesday, November 12, 2013

WS39:The Meanest teacher.

I opened the door and sat down at the table. It was 12:00pm and I won the contest; I got to have a meal with the meanest teacher in the school, my math teacher Mrs.Smith. She was just a little under 5"4', and was an average body figure. Blonde hair,  blue eyes.

"Morning Mrs. Smith" I introduced myself
"please call, me Mary."  she politely asked.
     I pulled up a chair at the round table to sit down. I packed my own lunch,  a gluten free BLT sandwich "I noticed she had a Styrofoam tray and decided to ask her what she was planning on having for lunch
      she finished chewing then responded "My husband James packed me my average lunch, A small salad with some ranch dressing, accompanied by a ham, and Colby jack cheese, white bread sandwich."
     I nodded, and took a bit of my sandwich. after a moment I made another attempt at small talk. "how long have you and Mr. Smith been married?"
     she perked up a little, then veered her head slightly up and to the right trying seemingly trying to recall the correct answer. "well...We got married when I was just about to trn 27, so about fifteen and a half years now."
     "that's cool,m what does he do?" I continued to inquire
"he's a Retail Salesperson, which makes about the same s me, $56,000  a year. together we raise our three kids off that, which  can be pretty fun as you can imagine."
     I laughed it off and finished my meal. we talked a little while more before I my next class was about to start, when I got up to leave the only the I could think was "well it's completely true what they say...Mrs.Smith is the most average teacher in the school, if not all of America."

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