Monday, December 16, 2013

Sci-Fi draft: Breaking the Wall

"Leaving Dark Zone in 4 minutes" The ships automated voice announced to the crew. We all knew how long we had left, what was on the line, still hearing the soothing voice of the Ships V.I. seemed to calm our nerves. It wasn't the most human, but a band of criminals like us could never afford a true A.I. despite her clunky mannerisms,  she could still calculate all the maneuvers needed to escape this clusterfuck alive.
         "Ann, could you please map the targets for us as they appear" I requested, an unneeded gesture for a V.I. whom had no other option but to oblige. Still she reminded me of my sister, and so long she was part of my ship, she was part of my crew. I knew some of the other crew mates objected to the level of personality I bestow upon here, shortening her name was unusual enough, Andromeda didn't have the same ring to it though.
         Jacobs readied his gear, which on our budget was little more than some dark matter explosives, and a few Mass Acceleration weapons. Without any regulatory suits, if the Dusk was shot down before we entered the habitual zone, we would all be fucked. Elise made her final repairs to her Sentry C.A.T, Meeka. I knew Elise was nervous, she loved the little automated bugger than I did. The mission would revolve around her though, if the shit hit the fan,  Meeka could get fried, it had been almost 13 hears since I started to craft her. I let a small smirk flow across my cheeks as the fond memories of camping out in the garage, forging a pet that was originally meant as a gift for sister.
           Elise closed the control panel on Meeka's hind leg. She turned back to me, a grin stretched across her face, I'm not sure if it's sincere, or out of nervousness however. Jacobs was a lucky man, Elise was like an angel form old lore. her short Blonde hair was parted one way, and her skin was as soft as her Demeanor, which had the power to calm a bear that had been kicked in the nuts.
             "Leaving Dark Zone in one minute"  Ann reminded the crew. I readied my M.A. Pistol, if all went according to plan I wouldn't need it.
             "Is she ready?" I asked Elise as I inspected my gun, she looked at me questioningly "Meeka, Is she ready?" I reiterated as i looked back up to Elise.
             "Yea," Elise let out a curt nod "Her armor plates are cloaked in Dark energy, which should interfere with their sensors, as well as give some extra protection that the dicks wont see coming."
             "Ha! If we're lucky she'll even take down a few of em' bastards" Jacobs chuckled as he cocked his rifle and got ready to roll
              "No." I bluntly retorted "Remember, we want minimum casualties, once we leave Daek Zone all space with in a few light-year radius  is  bugged by those, tiny, robotic assholes. Dark energy shields will keep us hidden long enough for us to send Meeka to take her Sonar mapper into the facilities Vents" I veered around the room to walk the rest of the crew through the plan. "after that, Jacobs you know what to do right?
               "Of course 'sir'" Jacobs stressed with sarcasm, the boy had some serious issues with authority "I lead the rest of the crew to the generators, plant the explosives, blow those boxes straight to hell, all the while our daring Captain Alexander sits on his ass with my girl." Jacobs  challenged me, he never was the best at handling his temper, And I am in no mood to engage in his little fit.
                  "That is Precisely what is going to happen" I confirmed, "once the generators are down I will have free reign to approach the vault marked by Meeka, whom should be able to sedate all infantry guard with the toxin she is equipped with" I continued to elaborate my role, "Elise you will  be in charge of Meeka's vision and making sure she stays on target, once the guards are sedated, and I retrieve the package from the vault, Get Meeka back to the ship"  I enforced the vital part of the plan with an extra emphasis
                "Leaving Dark Zone now" Ann interrupted my recap, Shit I thought to myself we're out of time
                I readied my pistol once more "hopefully everyone is on board" I stated to the crew. As the ship lowered itself into its decent stage, the doors were signaled to open.


  1. Read the sci-fi/fantasy/folktale drafts on the blogs of at least four different classmates.
    Then answer the following questions as part of the comment section on the blog.
    What is the main subject and main theme of this story? (Write on this for 30 seconds) A bunch of people entering the dark zone on a big mission.
    Summarize the story in one word. Aliens.
    List one key word and one key phrase you remember about this story. "calm a bear that got kicked in the nuts"
    What is your favorite part of this piece? The bear part
    Use a simile or metaphor to describe this piece:
    “This piece is (is like) Mass effect because there are many similarities.”
    6. What area would you like to see the author focus on more? the mission.

  2. 1. a crew embarking on a journey
    3.Elise closed the control panel on Meeka's hind leg.
    4.when the generators go down
    5.This piece is like mass effect because aliens
    6.keep going with the mission
