Friday, December 20, 2013

WS55: Arival

      "It's here." The  boldness of Derek's voice ruptured through my blissful dream state as I woke from my rest. My vision was still a bit haze, but i could make the room out, and remembered where I was. The cellar was still dark, damp, and disturbingly empty.  the stone walls made an ominous barrier between us and the natural world. I thought my anxiety had peaked on the journey here, but as I peared across the floor that kept me stable, and witnessed the artifact sharing the same plane as me: I felt true fear.
        I wished nothing more than to bolt up the crookedy stairs, while praying to any and all gods that may hear me, in hopes that I could escape this nightmare. I knew however; this was no option.  I sat up and rubbed my exhausted eyes, my face felt dry and lifeless, probably due to the life sucking force that  engulfed this realm. The muscles behind my eyes felt like stones being grinded every time they moved, the muscles in my legs felt like rubber that melt every time I thought of standing. Still I knew what had to be done.
          I offered my hand outward for Derek to pull me, A futile gesture as he just gave me a blank look and turned his back. I gave a short sigh as I forced my self to stand. In the midst, my rifle fell out of my lap and crashed back onto the ground.
          Derek Flinched quickly, turned around as he pulled his pistol on me. There was moment of awkward silence as I stood like a deer in headlights, and he realized what had happened. after a second Derek relaxed dismissively. "Jesus Alex, be more careful."
          I bent down to pick my rifle "Sorry, I forgot it was on me" I apologized, but He didn't really seem to care, he just walked over to the artifact.  as he stood before the looked down at it. The box like object just sat there silently.
           Suddenly there was noise in emitted, as it began to glow. Instinctively  I pulled my rifle and aimed at it, unsure of what I would actually planned to do with my gun if I needed it. The artifact was one cubic foot, at most, yet to me it seemed like the entire universe. within it it held the power to save the human race. At the same time  it had the power to destroy everything that has ever existed, if any god truly existed, They resided within that artifact.
           Raised his hand into a "Halt" gesture. The idea burned my insides into an insidious knot, but he was my superior, so I lowered my rifle; probably useless anyways. Derek popped into a squat and placed his hand on the artifact.
            I nearly threw up what little lunch I had the day before, as I witnessed the Alien object react to his hand. The light dimmed and I was able to see its details more clearly. The box still remained a solid black hue, only now it was outlined with blue tangent lines that engraved its surface in an arcadic manner. Around Derek's hand the lights glowed brighter, the noise shifted, and like a Tesla lamp, you could see all the boxes energy follow his touch.
            Then as abruptly as it appeared, the noise vanished, soon followed by the lights, as if he had somehow bumped the "off" button. This wasn't supposed to happen, all the blueprints we followed suggested that the weapon should be ours now, that we could have a fighting chance against the demons of the void. We had come too far, this couldn't be happening, the artifact needs to be on, and used NOW.
           I was scared, pissed, and tired...however Derek expressed those emotions a little more vividly. After staring at the dead box for moment, confused, the anger began to emerge from his skin as it began to red like a rising flame. "What the Fuck!?" He stared dumbfoundedly for a moment long before picking up the artifact and throwing it at the wall.
           As it collided with the unearthly stone, I felt a force in side of me tighten, immediately a feeling of immense shock riddled through my body, if I could fall over, clutch myself and cry I would, yet I remained frozen.  The earth stood still as the artifact ruptured back to life, and unvield an unearthly screech. My Eardrums practically boiled away as my vision blurred and went to blackness. The High pitch ringing of The boxes roar accompanied the pain that rang through my back as I fell flat on my ass. Still blind and could only indicate my body by the feeling of pain that engulfed my nerves. It was as if I was having a seizure without moving, it wont end, I pray for a mercy but none is granted as I still lay riddled in agony.
          Suddenly I hear an explosion, and the smell of lightning, before I abruptly fade to blackness...

It's here I think to myself as I abruptly gasp for breath as I launched back to consciousness. I had drowned myself in a cold sweat during my unexpected rest.  The room had changed, It had felt like a second worth of eternities, and now This realm was freezing. It felt empty, still lifeless, but more abandon. I can feel its brisk as I grab for my rifle and aim jaggedly around myself, anything I did now was useless, I just wanted to survive however.
            As I have more time to observe the chamber, I Realize that that indeed, it has changed. what was left of Sargent Derek Hall laid as a burnt chunk of meat, that rested in a pool of his once boiled blood. The burnt muscles that had once made his face were shot several meters away from the rest of his body, still catalyzed in the exact moment of his death, showing an infinite expression of shock and agony. Why was I spared, I think to myself for only a short moment before I notice it once more. The artifact had returned to the center of the room.
             It too had changed however, the design on its surface no glowed green, and warmth flooded my mind as I had simply looked at it. My leg had still felt of death as I forced myself up, with what little energy I had left. I could hear the scuffing against the stone floor as I limped my way to the Artifact. as I stood over it, I gazed down at its presence. The emptiness of the room melted away, as I dropped to my knees and was brought to its level.
            I wrapped my hands around it, Its metallic feeling returned energy and hope to my hands. I need this to work, WE need this to work, to be able to fight, to Survive, I thought to myself as I pleaded for a response. We needed the powers, we couldn't win this fight without them, the ability to conjure elements out of mid air, to levitate, to teleport. The demons had retained these powers for themselves for too long. There was no response however, only silence.
            "Indistinguishable from Magic." A calm voice resonated form behind me. My attention was awoken and I darted backward, as I stood with my rifle in my hand. Just as it had finally dissipated, Fear had been installed right back into my heart. A demon was in the cellar with me.
             The bipedal creature war none of its traditional Battle Armor, and for once man was able to view a bare face. I felt no special honor however, surprise perhaps, by its human features. For the entirety of our genocide, I had always pictured their appearance to be more insidious, blackened, evil, Death. Its skin was pale however, It had two eyes, two ears, a mouth, there were no ears nor hair however. Still it was made of flesh and muscle.
             I couldn't give a flying fuck however, They had tore apart too many of my own for a soft appearance to matter. I unloaded my rifle into the Demons center mass. Bullet after bullet was launched out of my rifle at lighting fast speeds. Yet after the magazine had clicked empty, all 216 of my M.A. bullets had passed right through the hollow creature, and once more I stood in fearful awe.
            "It's indistinguishable form Magic...Isn't it?" The Demon repeated once more, seemingly un affected by the fact that I just tried to kill it.
            "W-wha-What?" I stammered out as well I could, which surprisingly something at all.
         "That how your species's saying goes, right." the demon continued in its still restful voice "Any Sufficient Advanced Technology is indistinguishable from Magic, it was your, uh, Charles Third Law correct?"
              I stood as confused as ever, still with my empty gun raised with no true purpose besides to give me comfort.
             After a moment of seeing that I had absolutely no Idea of how to respond, The demon continued once more "It's why your mission wont' succeed. you cant simply gain the powers of my species through one of our tools, for Our species doesn't contain any powers"
            I still had no idea what It was talking about. "what do you mean?" I interigatted
          "I mean this Box is not what you think it is. It does not contain magical powers for you to defeat my people, only tools that you may copy for your species."
          "I still dont understa-"
            "You have to reverse Engineer my technology, that is the point of this artifact. If you want to survive, you MUST accept my help." The demon Enforced once more.
           As i started to understand what the demon was trying to say, I hear and felt the realm shake, The Demon forces had found me, I had to leave. "Why would you Help Me?" I asked nervous of the answer
           The demon looked down for a moment, before sadly replying "My tools were never meant to be used for destruction. The realm bbomed once more, and dust fell from the ceiling "Quick" the Demon urged "Take the box, Escape!"
           I thought only for a second, this wasn't what we wanted, but I sure as hell wasn't leaving empty handed. I grabbed the artifact, the Demon dissipated into thin air, and I ran.

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