Friday, September 13, 2013

The Draft

          Of course he hadn’t lived through the Turnover; too alive to remember the horrors that had been committed. As far as the Ranger was concerned he was just another ignorant child who thought too high of his species.   
           “Earths dead” the Ranger coldly  enforced his  standard pessimistic  boldness before continuing “and it shall remain dead for now, and forever.”
“Such absolutisms is what lead to the Colonists takeover of Sol  in the first place.” Alexander retorted his youth lively accompanied his vigor, this however only seemed to vex the Ranger further
“it was The Colonists’ advance technology, and ruthless imperialistic tactics that lead to the Turnover, and near extinction of all human life Inhabitant!” the Ranger barked, the session was already over and they both knew the answer; Inhabitant # 46656: would be denied permission to leave the enclosure, to escape mankinds prison: The Moon
Alexander was going to protest but withdrew into an awkward silence first. A moment to remember just how helpless everyone thought mankind truly was.  it had been nearly half a century since the Colonists and taken control of sol, confining all of mankind to earth's moon. They called this an act of “Mercy” to create a sort of reservation for the lesser beings to exist, for humans, animals, insects, and all other manners of wildlife to exist.
Wildlife, thats what all humans were to them, of course the humans are taught from a young age to be thankful. The alternatives could have been total extermination, or slavery; they definitely firepower to do so. however, Alexander didn’t feel as though this imprisonment was a much better fate.
A prison was a much better term for it anyways, the sky shielded by a dark sphere. rumors spread over what the enclosure wall is made of; some say its metallic, others say its a opaque glass barrier. the only ones certain are those that belong to the maintenance crew, those entrusted to travel outside the walls. Alexander hoped to one day venture out, to join the maintenance corps; he hated looking up to the sky and seeing nothing but a black plane. No stars, sun, nor earth in the background; the only illumination comes from the built in lights that dim periodically to signify curfew.
Indeed this is not the life Alexander would let himself live if living is even what you call it. Alexander returned his look to the Ranger “Sir, what’s the danger of me joining the corps?” there was a slight pause, before the Ranger could respond with the inevitable lecture that would tear every one in sector six a new asshol, Alexander continued. “I know you think I’ll get killed, but isn’t that just it, I’ll die, and I’ll be off your hands.
the ranger took a second, and looked thoughtfully, then he stood up, and stated what Alexander did not think reasonably expectable.
“Inhabitant #46656, your ignorance of the dangers outside poses a danger to us all, I am trying you for treason, from henceforth you shall be assigned permanent constraint within the asylum, do not expect mercy among the marshals.”


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