Monday, September 30, 2013

Memoir Cats.

 Coming of Age:
-buying my first M rated game without need of parent. modern day rite of passage. kinda cool.

Life Expierence:
- I could rewrite the Attic, that's always a fun on, It's cool to see the story improve each year.

- Divorce of Parents? not my relationship so not sure if it counts. could do a story about Mario (ask Satt for clarification) 

- Dexter is about as diverse as a witty metaphor that shows that it's not diverse at all (hey I tried) I could do a story about being a Black man stuck in a White body (that was a joke BTW)

- brownies being my favorite food, first time baking

- trip to boy's town, Chicago for sure.

War Stories:
- The bee sting is the obvious choice here, I still have the copy of the one I did in 5th grade, still as shitty as ever, could be nice to do a rewrite.

- fixation with the # 6, once again mark this one for clarification.

-It would be my losing of faith in this case, but that was over the course of 2-3 years, too long? clarification would be needed

memoir of someone else's life (it would be DIFFERENT) probably not, but fits that category that I'm compelled to include  

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