Thursday, October 17, 2013

Poetry Assignment #4: A Fun Challenge

I was going to use my name, but then I was like "nah, screw that;too easy." So I decided to make it a little more interesting by using the worlds longest word ,hippopotomonstrosesquippedaliophobia, (the fear of long words" for my ideogram

H: Two Bro's fist bumping
I: A headless man standing Erect
P: A rounded hammer
P: A car travailing down a vertical road
O: A more rounded zero
P: A turtle climbing a cliff
O: An inverse black hole
T: A man with a sombrero
O: Looking down through a straw
M: A collapsed bridge
O: A tunnel with a light at the end
N: Another, smaller, collapsed bridge that had one of the ends fail
S: The traffic travel of a drunk driver
T: A women with a sombrero
R: A headless woman with her leg out
O: The face of a surprised person
S: A snake in the sand
E: A  man doing yoga, sitting on the floor with his arms stretched forward, when he gets an erection
S: A snake in the grass
Q: That ghost from the Mario games
U: A horseshoe (easy)
I:A column to a mansion
P:A football player about to spearhead someone
P: A person bending over to pick up a penny they found
E: A bookshelf with one side missing
D: A wanna be O, that just couldn't be
A: Eiffel tower
L: A putter in golf
I: A sword without a handle
O: πr^2
P:A turtle climbing down a cliff
H: Two bros hugging it out
B:Two turtles climbing up a cliff
I:A Pole
A: An alligator who has a stick stopping his jaw from closing; flipped upside down

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