Wednesday, October 9, 2013

wednesday 20, halloween party

A kid comes out of the bathroom with toilet paper dangling from his waistband, and stuck to his shoe...

      "you forgot a few pieces mate." Eric gave jack the heads up.

      "really?" Jack questioned as he looked down, while he was already putting on his new outfit; a from this vest he already equipped it appeared to be some sort of cowboy/western thing. "ah, yes" he confirmed as he unattached the toilet paper from his show and threw it in the trash bin across the room, as it went in he held his hands "screw that mummy idea" he cheered "I should have dressed as a NBA player"

      "nice thought J." Alice chimed in, with her newly dyed hair cut to look like Cleopatra she even had the gold jewelry and robes to boot. "But you awareness would need some work, you forgot another" she informed and pointed to his waist  "besides, your not even black" she joking taunted.

       "hey, racists." Jack eased back at his sister. "but it appears you're right, maybe next year." jack made rid of the toilet paper, then double checked to make sure there was nothing more.

"And to think all of that work could have been avoided if you just didn't choose the same outfit as me for the party" Etic taunted him further.

"no," Jack retorted "all that work could've been avoided if our judge" Jack used his hands to stress the air quotation marks around the word judge "would have made the right call during the Rock, paper, scissors match"

"what our you talking about, I did make the right choice"

"No," jack once again retorted "he clearly cheated, he waited to see what my choice was first, before choosing rock"

"hey you should have specified whether or not we going on shoot or not." Eric shot back "no hurry up you newbs halloween only happens once a year, and I don't intend to miss the one party at which girls are actually encouraged to dress like sluts"

"I take objection to that" Alice retorted jokingly as they went out the door.

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